Dear Senator Johnson:

I am writing to you as your constituent to exhort you to uphold the oath that you recently swore before God, Chief Justice Roberts, The Constitution, and The American People. You swore, along with your colleagues, to “do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.” 
If you believe, as you have stated publicly, that President Trump is above reproach, then you ought to do everything in your power to exonerate him, not merely dismiss charges and let their aura linger. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported, “Johnson wrote that he viewed the inquiry as a ‘continuation of a concerted, and possibly coordinated, effort to sabotage the Trump administration,’ and he questioned the motives of government witnesses who have voiced concerns about Trump’s handling of Ukraine.” If there are efforts to sabotage the Trump administration, I urge you to call these “government witnesses” to formally, and under oath, testify before you and your colleagues, allowing you to question them directly.
If you vote alongside majority leader Senator McConnell to allow “opening arguments” to “be the full trial,” as Representative Schiff has charged, then I dare say three things:
  1. You will have violated aforementioned oath before God, and you will be accountable to The Almighty.
  2. You will have violated your oath of office to uphold the constitution, and represent my interests as an American Citizen and your constituent
  3. You are either a coward who does not believe your claims are supportable or you are a liar who does not believe your own claims. 
Again, as an American Citizen and your constituent, I urge you to uphold your oath to have an impartial, nonpartisan trial. Not a pre-ordained dismissal or partisan sham, but a trial that upholds the standards of jurisprudence; one becoming of the authors of the Federalist Papers. “Publius” made it clear that although the impeachment process ought to be like a court trial, the Senate must, for The Constitution to work, be the jurors and to conduct a trial for impeachment.
Your Constituent